In choosing to be educators of the faith, we — parents, faith community and staff — have been called to respond to the mission of the church in three ways:

  • to proclaim the Gospel in word and witness to life
  • to create and to promote Christian community
  • to witness the Gospel through service.

It is hoped that as members of the school family, you will experience a sense of belonging and friendship, not only within the school family, but also as a member of the wider faith community.

 Within the school, we aim to create an environment that is seasoned with love, care, understanding, acceptance and forgiveness. This type of environment does not just happen; it must be created through the efforts of all its members. The school must be able to count on the unity and conviction of the Staff Team, parents and members of the wider faith community.

 To reach full development as a person, the child's basic needs of love, belonging and growing with a life of service, must be cultivated alongside academic skills. Therefore, to allow each child to reach full potential as a person, we aim to provide structures and programs, which will develop each child spiritually, socially, emotionally and academically.