Holy Family is registered by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) as a member of the Catholic system in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle.

Policy development and review is an important role of the Catholic Schools Office (CSO) and its schools. All policy development is designed to foster the continuous development and improvement of Catholic schools.


The Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle has an absolute and abiding commitment to promote the safety, welfare and wellbeing of all children. The agency known as Office of Safeguarding provides child protection services for all of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle.

Bishop Wright established the Office of Safeguarding, whose director answers to the Bishop’s Office and is charged to oversee the whole of the Diocese’s safeguarding of children, including the students in our system of schools.

As a parent sending your child to a diocesan school, you are expected to be an active participant in safeguarding your child’s wellbeing. To do so, it’s important that you have the best information available to you. The Office of Safeguarding website offers comprehensive details of the Diocese’s approach to safeguarding children. You are also encouraged to be an active participant in the life of your school.

 As a parent of a diocesan school student if you are concerned for:

  • the safety, welfare or wellbeing of one or more children in the school
  • the conduct of a member of staff, a volunteer, contractor or other adult associated with the school

 … you are able to:

  • discuss your concerns with a teacher, assistant principal or principal
  • talk to an investigator at the Office of Safeguarding (ph 4979 1390, during office hours)
  • report your concerns to the Department of Communities and Justice’s (DCJ) Child Protection Helpline (ph 132 111, 24 hrs/7 days) if your concerns constitute a risk of significant harm
  • report to NSW Police if you believe a crime has been committed.


The dignity of the human person is the foundation of all Catholic social teaching and is inbuilt in our ministry of education. Central to our mission as Catholic educators is the principle that the person is made in the image and likeness of God. It is therefore essential that the community of Holy Family Merewether Beach, strive for the creation and maintenance of a safe, supportive and respectful learning/work environment.

The prevention of, and responses to, incidents of bullying, disrespectful behaviour and inappropriate use of technology is more successfully achieved in a caring and supportive school culture that reflects Gospel values and promotes positive relationships. Bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment, aggression and violence disregard our school’s core value of respect for others. Additionally, these actions can have a negative impact upon the well being of those in our school community and are therefore unacceptable.  All members of our school community are expected to prevent and challenge such actions in order to build respectful relationships that respond effectively and sensitively to the needs of each person.  


Holy Family Catholic Primary School accepts that some parents provide their children with mobile phones for their security and personal safety from everyday risks when travelling to and from school especially when unaccompanied by an adult.  With parents having to work shift hours, as well as organise busy afternoon schedules for their children, we acknowledge that providing a child with a mobile phone gives parents reassurance that they can contact their child outside of school hours. 

The increased ownership of mobile phones requires that school administrators, teachers, students and parents are aware of acceptable practices involving mobile phones whilst on school premises and to ensure that mobile phones are used responsibly.  This policy is designed to ensure that potential issues can be clearly identified and addressed.  In order for students to have a mobile phone at school, students and their parents or carers must first read, understand and accept the conditions of Holy Family’s Acceptable Use Policy for Mobile Phones.